Return terms
You have 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of your order (postmark being taken as proof) to return the item(s) that are not suitable for you.
Return procedure
You must contact us by email at, within 14days of receiving your order.
You are not required to give us the reasons for your withdrawal but you must indicate your name, your customer and invoice numbers as well as the references of the returned items.
Any complaint made outside this period cannot be accepted.
You must return the items to us at the latest, within 14days following the communication of your decision to withdraw.
This right of return can only be accepted for complete products, as a whole, unopened, unused, and which reach us intact, in their original condition and packaging, in perfect condition for resale and accompanied by their invoice.
Items returned open, used, incomplete, damaged or soiled by you will not be taken back.
Returns should be made to: Junko Fukuda 3-1-14-510 Gyoda Funabashi Chiba 2730044 Japan.
We will reimburse your bank account no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt by our services of the items that you have returned to us.
The initial shipping costs and the return costs will then be your responsibility. Only the price of the item(s) purchased will be refunded.